

Nules is a town on the Mediterranean coast in the Castellón province, located in the region of Plana Baixa.

The distance between Nules and the nearest cities is: 18km from Castellón and 55km from Valencia. This ideal geographic location improves the flow of visitors due to its great access, via motorway, as well as by road and train etc.

Moreover, Nules is just 35 minutes away from Manises airport (Valencia) and at least 20 minutes from Castellón airport.

The landscape of Nules is characterised by the combination of different terrains, where on one side, as we approach the coast, we can appreciate the movement of the land and how it darkens asit approaches the water.

This area was previously devoted to rice fields until there was a significant demand for oranges.

You will also find Nules’ four beaches in this area, which open out onto the blueness and warmth of the Mediterranean Sea with clean and clear water, which is greatly appreciated by all who come to visit.